Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Freshening Up

***Up Date - I just finished Sarah's Key. It definitely was written from a secular perspective but the story in and of itself was incredible. It was difficult to read as it had to do with the Holocaust. I recommend it to you.

Time for a freshening up here at Daisy Path. Hope you enjoy the new look. I had fun playing around. It might change a little bit over the next few days if I think I need to tweak things.

I have been reading again. I try to fit in bits of time here and there. I love to read but have found it so hard to make time once we had our first baby. I decided to pick up some books again and have to recommend what I just read and what I am reading right now. I try to keep my reading gadget up to date over on the left column so you can keep track of what it on my bed side table.

I read about both of these books on Mommy's Creative's blog. I was not let down. The first book that I borrowed from the library was Someone Knows my Name by Lawrence Hill. Hubby was astounded by the size of the book but I stuck to it and had to renew it only once! It was such a powerful story of a woman taken captive as child and sold into slavery. Her plight was truly incredible, heart breaking and inspiring. It was hard to put this book down.

I just started Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. I am only on page 38 and have already shed tears. This follows a young French girl whose family was taken by the French police during the Holocaust and an American journalist living in France during the modern day. I am waiting to see how their paths will cross and stories connect.

I am thrilled to be reading again and passing this love on to my girls. I love to read to them. I love to see them "read" (the baby just chews on the books right now). I love to have them see me read. Reading...it does a mind and a soul good.

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