Thursday, February 4, 2010


I was thinking of something that I could blog about today and decided to share with you my morning routine. It varies from day to day but runs pretty close to the same thing. I get up with the baby who usually nurses at 6:00 a.m. She goes back to bed so I stay up. I jump in the shower and get ready for my day. After getting ready I head downstairs to have a cup of coffee while doing my quiet time and writing in my journal. Then I make a warm, healthy, hearty breakfast for my family and pack my husband's lunch and supper for the day. Inevitably, there is probably some laundry to start too. Around 8:00 a.m. my girls wake up playing happily in their beds until I come to get them. I get them all dressed for the day and teeth brushed. Daddy gets up and gets ready for his day quickly so that we can all sit down together and have breakfast together before he heads out the door. I get my oldest engaged in a craft at our kitchen table and the baby busy building blocks or something like that. We work on these things and some other educational things before lunch time comes. That in a nutshell is our morning routine.


Oh, how I long for my mornings to go like that...even just a part of that. Our mornings are so far from that dreamworld. I am so thankful for PBS Kids and their great morning line-up, well all of them except for that Martha Speaks. I don't get it. Why does the dog talk? Why does everyone around her think it is normal to talk to the dog? Why is the dog's name Martha? Not a favorite of mine but my oldest likes it, so I guess I like it.

My hubby doesn't get home until late in the evening after the girls are in bed so I usually stay up late just so I can spend some time with him or be in the same room as him. He is always busy with studies and writing for his music blog. So after being up way later than I intend to stay up, that 6:00 a.m. wake up call to feed the baby is rough. I always bring her to bed with me and nurse her, praying she will fall back to sleep. She usually spends 20-30 minutes crying before surrendering to sleep which is great fun for both hubby and I.

The alarm goes off at 8:00 a.m. and I stumble out of bed unless the baby woke up prior to that. I pull my hair back in a clip, throw on a sweatshirt over my ridiculously old pajamas and slowly proceed downstairs with baby in tow. I glance in the mirror at the foot of the stairs and remember that I forgot to wash my face the night before as I see the huge black mascara circles under my eyes. (That is IF I had make-up on the day before which ONLY happens if I go out. If I didn't have make-up on then it is just the enormous dark spots from little sleep.)

I stick the baby in the high chair and through bleary eyes dump baby puffs on the tray to keep her busy while I hurry to get things around for Hubby who will be out the door very soon. First things first...the coffee. There must be coffee. I pack Hubby's lunch and down the stairs comes Peanut our oldest. I flip on PBS Kids to keep her occupied while I get her bowl of cereal and apple juice. Hubby rushes in, downs a bowl of cereal and cup of coffee, passes out kisses and hugs, then is out the door for school and work for the whole day.

I feed the baby whatever my brain can muster at that point. Once the children are fed I collapse in a chair with my cup of coffee. The kids watch PBS Kids and play while I check in on my online favorite spots. I glance up at the clock and my jaw drops because the minutes have passed way too quickly and it is time for...LUNCH???? How can that be? So once again lunch is made while we are all in our pjs. How did that happen? How does that happen all of the time? The whole time I am making our lunch I am thinking, "I have got to get to bed earlier tonight." Don't worry, more than likely, I won't.


Jessica said...

Just for the record I thought something was fishy when you said the baby went back to sleep after she was nursed...but don't we all picture those types of mornings?? It always happens in the movies..... : )

Colleen said...

Oh well, we all can dream can't we? And just for the record I like Martha Speaks. It's because she eats alphabet soup. That's why she talks. Come on. It makes perfect sense.